Freezing, Cooking, Growing - Supplies ordered or bought

 We picked up a second small Hotpoint chest freezer. With the prices going bananas we can definitely use it - we feed Grady (our oldest) chicken breast and liver, that takes up a lot of room very quickly in a freezer. Add in frozen veggies and pizzas.....

All the Home Depots near us were out of the 5 to 6.5 sq cubic feet freezers but we found one at Lowe's that was actually $20 cheaper. We have a new stockpot on the way along with some 5 gallon buckets to grow potatoes, onions and whatever in.

We also plan on cooking large batches of food and freezing along with starting canning. Gas is nearly $4 a gallon here.

We're real happy with the government right now <sarcasm alert>


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