Rain, Rain and more Rain

 I weeded one of the garden beds yesterday and fixed the gutter down-spout at the end of the house (the one that damages the foundation when it's offline).  I had to use a shovel to dig up one of the weeds.  I'll admit I haven't done anything with the gardens for the last two years.  This year feels different because I think we need to get serious about gardening to help ease the rising food costs.

I plan on trying to grow potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, maybe pineapple and some herbs in containers.  This will be a lot easier than trying to till the soil here with the clay, granite and my back.  

Today is a rest day, my back is hurting a bit and we had rain all night and some this morning so the ground is soaked and I need to wait to get some plants until the next cooler spell goes away at the end of the week.  


It's Pesach - Passover.  This is Dusty (miss you, big guy!).  This was his favorite bed every year for 4 years.  I'm not doing much this year, being a lapsed Jew and active heathen.  


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